Advanced usage

Changing styles and templates

It is possible to override any component of the user interface by overriding the style file or the templates. To override a file, simply create a file with the same path noted in the list below.

It is also possible to setup your django-flexible-subscriptions to use a base template already in your project via your settings. See the settings section for more details.

  • Core Files and Templates
    • static/subscriptions/styles.css (controls all template styles)
    • templates/subscriptions/base.html (base template that all templates inherit from)
    • templates/subscriptions/subscribe_list.html (user-facing; list and sign up for subscription plans)
    • templates/subscriptions/subscribe_preview.html (user-facing; preview of subscription plan signup)
    • templates/subscriptions/subscribe_confirmation.html (user-facing; confirmation of subscription plan signup)
    • templates/subscriptions/subscribe_thank_you.html (user-facing; thank you page on successful subscription plan singup)
    • templates/subscriptions/subscribe_user_list.html (user-facing; list of a user’s subscriptions)
    • templates/subscriptions/subscribe_cancel.html (user-facing; confirm cancellation of subscription)
  • Developer-Facing Templates
    • templates/subscriptions/base_developer.html (base template that all developer dashboard templates inherit from)
    • templates/subscriptions/dashboard.html (developer-facing; dashboard template)
    • templates/subscriptions/plan_list.html (developer-facing; list of all subscription plans)
    • templates/subscriptions/plan_create.html (developer-facing; create subscription plan)
    • templates/subscriptions/plan_update.html (developer-facing; update subscription plan)
    • templates/subscriptions/plan_delete.html (developer-facing; delete subscription plan)
    • templates/subscriptions/plan_list_list.html (developer-facing; list of all plan lists)
    • templates/subscriptions/plan_list_create.html (developer-facing; create new plan list)
    • templates/subscriptions/plan_list_update.html (developer-facing; update plan list)
    • templates/subscriptions/plan_list_delete.html (developer-facing; delete plan list)
    • templates/subscriptions/plan_list_detail_list.html (developer-facing; list of plan list details)
    • templates/subscriptions/plan_list_detail_create.html (developer-facing; create new plan list detail)
    • templates/subscriptions/plan_list_detail_update.html (developer-facing; update plan list detail)
    • templates/subscriptions/plan_list_detail_delete.html (developer-facing; delete plan list detail)
    • templates/subscriptions/subscription_list.html (developer-facing; list all user’s subscription plans)
    • templates/subscriptions/subscription_create.html (developer-facing; create new subscription plan for user)
    • templates/subscriptions/subscription_update.html (developer-facing; update subscription plan for user)
    • templates/subscriptions/subscription_delete.html (developer-facing; delete subscription plan for user)
    • templates/subscriptions/tag_list.html (developer-facing; list of tags)
    • templates/subscriptions/tag_create.html (developer-facing; create new tag)
    • templates/subscriptions/tag_update.html (developer-facing; update tag)
    • templates/subscriptions/tag_delete.html (developer-facing; delete tag)
    • templates/subscriptions/transaction_list.html (developer-facing; list of transactions)
    • templates/subscriptions/tag_detail.html (developer-facing; details of a single transaction)

Adding a currency

Currently currencies are controlled by the CURRENCY dictionary in the file. New currencies can be added by making a pull request with the desired details. A future update will allow specifying currencies in the settings file.

Customizing new subscription handling

All subscriptions are handled via the SubscribeView. It is expected that most applications will will extend this view to implement some custom handling (e.g. payment processing). To extend this view:

  1. Create a new view file (e.g. /custom/ and extend the Subscribe View
# /custom/
from subscriptions import views

class CustomSubscriptionView(views.SubscriptionView):
  1. Update your settings file to point to the new view:
DFS_SUBSCRIBE_VIEW = custom.views.CustomSubscriptionView

From here you can override any attributes or methods to implement custom handling. A list of all attributes and methods can be found in the package reference.

Adding payment processing

To implement payment processing, you will likely want to override the process_payment method in SubscribeView (see Customizing new subscription handling. This method is called when a user confirms payment. The request must pass validation of form specified in the payment_form attribute (defaults to PaymentForm).

You may also need to implement a custom PaymentForm if you require different fields or validation than the default provided in django-flexible-subscriptions. You can do this by creating a new form and assigning it as value for the payment_form attribute of a custom SubscribeView:

  1. Create a new view file (e.g. /custom/ and create a a Django form or extend the django-flexible-subscriptions PaymentForm:
# /custom/
from subscriptions.forms import PaymentForm

class CustomPaymentForm(PaymentForm):
  1. Update your custom SubscribeView to point to your new form:
# custom/
from custom.forms import CustomPaymentForm

class CustomSubscriptionView(views.SubscriptionView):
    payment_form = CustomPaymentForm

Between the PaymentForm and the SubscribeView you should be able to implement most payment providers. The exact details will depend on the payment provider you implement and is out of the scope of this documentation.

Subscription renewals and expiries

The management of subscription renewals and expiries must be handled by a task manager. Below will demonstrate this using cron, but any application with similar functionality should work.

Extending the subscription manager

First, you will likely need to customize the subscription manager. This is necessary to accomodate payment processing with the subscription renewal process. You can do this by extending the supplied Manager class. For example:

  1. Create a custom Manager class:
# custom/
from import _manager

    process_payment(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Implement your payment processing here
  1. Update your settings to point to your custom manager:
DFS_MANAGER_CLASS = 'custom.manager.CustomManager'

Running the subscription manager

Once the subscription manager is setup, you will simply need to call the management command at a regular interval of your choosing. This command can be called via:

$ pipenv run python process_subscriptions
> Processing subscriptions... Complete!

If you wanted to renew and expire subscriptions daily, you could use the following cron command:

# ┌ Minute (0-59)
# | ┌ Hour (0-23)
# | | ┌ Day of Month (1-31)
# | | | ┌ Month (1-12)
# | | | | ┌ Day of week (0-6)
# | | | | | ┌ cron command
# | | | | | |
  0 0 * * * /path/to/pipenv/python process_subscriptions

This could be implemented in other task runners in a similar fashion (e.g. Windows Task Scheduler, Celery).