
Below is a comprehensive list of all the settings for Django Flexible Subscriptions.

Admin Settings

These are settings to control aspects of the Django admin support.


Required: False

Default (boolean): False

Whether to enable the Django Admin views or not.

Currency Settings

These are the settings to control aspects of currency repsentation.


Required: False

Default (string): en_us

The currency to use for currency formating. You may either specify a str value for the language code you want to use or a dict value that declares all the required monetary conventions.

The following str values are available:

  • de_de (Germany, German)
  • en_au (Australia, English)
  • en_ca (Canada, English)
  • en_us (United States of America, English)
  • fa_ir (Iran, Persian)
  • fr_ca (Canada, French)
  • fr_ch (Swiss Confederation, French)
  • fr_fr (France, French)
  • it_it (Itality, Italian)
  • pl_pl (Republic of Poland, Polish)
  • pt_br (Federative Republic of Brazil, Portuguese)
  • en_in (India, English)
  • en_ph (Philippines, English)

Additional values can be added by submitting a pull request with the details added to the CURRENCY dictionary in the subscriptions.currency module.

To specify a custom format, you can specify the following details in a dictionary:

  • currency_symbol (str): The symbol used for this currency.
  • int_currency_symbol (str): The symbol used for this currency for international formatting.
  • p_cs_precedes (bool): Whether the currency symbol precedes positive values.
  • n_cs_precedes (bool): Whether the currency symbol precedes negative values.
  • p_sep_by_space (bool): Whether the currency symbol is separated from positive values by a space.
  • n_sep_by_space (bool): Whether the currency symbol is separated from negative values by a space.
  • mon_decimal_point (str): The character used for decimal points.
  • mon_thousands_sep (str): The character used for separating groups of numbers.
  • mon_grouping (int): The number of digits per groups.
  • frac_digits (int): The number of digits following the decimal place. Use 0 if this is a non-decimal currency.
  • int_frac_digits (str): The number of digits following the decimal place for international formatting. Use 0 if this is a non-decimal currency.
  • positive_sign (str): The symbol to use for the positive sign.
  • negative_sign (str): The symbol to use for the negative sign.
  • p_sign_posn (str): How the positive sign should be positioned relative to the currency symbol and value (see below).
  • n_sign_posn (str): How the positive sign should be positioned relative to the currency symbol and value (see below).

The sign positions (p_sign_posn and p_sign_posn) use the following values:

  • 0: Currency and value are surrounded by parentheses.
  • 1: The sign should precede the value and currency symbol.
  • 2: The sign should follow the value and currency symbol.
  • 3: The sign should immediately precede the value.
  • 4: The sign should immediately follow the value.


Deprecated - use DFS_CURRENCY instead.

View & Template Settings

These control various aspects of HTML templates and Django views.


Required: False

Default (string): subscriptions/base.html

Path to an HTML template that is the ‘base’ template for the site. This allows you to easily specify the main site design for the provided Django Flexible Subscription views. The template must include a content block, which is what all the templates override.


Required: False

Default (string): subscriptions.views.SubscribeView

The path to the SubscribeView to use with django-flexible-subscriptions. This will generally be set to a class view the inherits from SubscribeView to allow customization of payment and subscription processing.

View & Template Settings

These control various aspects of the management commands.


Required: False

Default (string):

The path to the Manager object to use with the management commands. This will generally be set to a class that inherits from the django-flexible-subscriptions Manager class to allow customization of renewal billings and user notifications.